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Easter Offer Bed and Breakfast Sicily with children

From March 29th to April 3rd our kids are on vacation.
The first Sunday of the month, April 1st, you have the opportunity to take them for free to get to know the Villa Romana del Casale, from the 4th century BC. A.D. known for its magnificent mosaics, well preserved and considered a UNESCO heritage since 1997.
But not only, not far from our bed and breakfast there is Aidone with the Argheological excavations of Morgantina and the Museum that preserves the Venus and the head of Hades.
All free on the first Sunday of the month offer promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.

Easter Offer Bed and Breakfast Sicily with children

OFFERTE SICILIA PIAZZA ARMERINA (From sabato 1 dicembre 2018, expired 1970 days ago)

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